racism against latinos
Photo by Rajiv Perera on Unsplash

Why Racism Against Latinos Is Nearly Non-existent

Wanna’ know why racism against Latinos is near non-existent? I’ll give you a few reasons and leave you to ponder the rest.

As a Latino man, I would like to list a few reasons why you rarely hear of so-called ‘racism’ against Latinos, or if you do, it’s certainly not from us, despite the fact that there are probably people in the United States who really do dislike us and might even discriminate against us.

This is just one Latino man’s opinion, but one that I think is reflective of the general attitude of Latinos as a whole.

1) We ignore the haters

You tend to see what you focus on and if you’re constantly on the lookout for ‘micro-aggressions’ and ‘racism’ behind every blade of grass you see, it’ll eventually drive you nuts.

“Hey, that guy looked at me funny. He must be a racist.” It’ll get out of hand fast and pretty soon, the liberal mind virus will metastasize.

You’ll become so consumed with being some social justice warrior taking it to the streets, or whatever, that you’ll start accusing our entire society of being racist (e.g. think ‘systemic racism,’ ‘white privilege’ and ‘critical race theory’).

Accusing others of racism when it’s not warranted is counterproductive and actually creates racism where there was none before.

It’s better to assume the best in others, cutting others some slack and extending some grace whenever you can, instead of immediately screaming, ‘That’s racist!!”

Calling someone racist in most circumstances is just lame and an excuse from having to look at yourself in the mirror and take accountability for your own actions.

Plus, calling someone racist makes you look like an unfathomable pussy, the type of person who cries in the corner whenever someone says anything that could even slightly be construed as “mean.”

Latinos, by and large, have way too much machismo to put ourselves out there as being weak in any way, which is why we’re very reluctant to accuse others of racism.

Even if we were to experience some type of racism, we would much rather just ignore it and continue on about our day.

Our attitude is, if someone is going to discriminate against us, they must be an idiot, so why give them any attention?

2) We’re good-looking and we know it

Another reason why Latinos are unaffected and practically impervious to racism is because we’re way too good-looking to care about what some pendejo has to say about us.

Being good-looking has a way of boosting your self-confidence. When you know you’re attractive, you don’t allow negative comments to shatter your frame of reference or self-image.

No matter what anyone says, you’re hot, well-liked, and desirable. End of story.

Our good-looks come from having very mixed genetics, which leads to hybrid vigor. Hybrid vigor is a touchy subject because a lot of people who don’t come from mixed genetics don’t like to think of themselves as being weaker, but the science, in my view, is indisputable.

This is also why mixed race people in general tend to be better looking and people who inbreed, like the Royals, come out fugly and with lots of genetic diseases.

Which brings me to my next point.

3) We love to mix and intermarry with people of other races

Latinos date, marry, and procreate with people of every race and creed. The end result is that we’re more mixed genetically, as I mentioned earlier. This causes us to be less aware of racism and race in general.

Because when you yourself are part European, Native American, and African, among other things, all at the same time, race just doesn’t matter as much to you.

Intermarrying with people of other races is something that goes back to the conquistadors of Spain and Portugal, who first colonized the western world by boning everyone’s brains out.

The conquistadors conquered many an indigenous hottie in the bedroom and spread their seed far and wide. Many Spanish and Portuguese families also settled in the western colonies, starting lives there.

This is why Latinos look all sorts of ways. Some Latinos look white, some look black, some look Native American, some look like a combination of all of the above. It doesn’t matter because, at the end of the day, we’re all brothers and sisters.

4) We’re God-fearing

Modern day Latin America was first colonized by Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors, who exported Christianity to the west in the form of Catholicism.

Because of this, most Latinos today are Catholic and put their faith in God and the Bible.

This faith in God and his revealed Word naturally lends itself to being anti-racist.

As the Bible says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

The Bible also says, “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly” (John 7:24)

More: “A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34).

Another one: “Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” (Acts 10: 34-35).

5) We focus on working hard and providing for our families

You won’t find too many Latinos protesting in the streets, or loitering in front of buildings, but you will find Latinos taking just about any job that’s available, regardless of how difficult.

This is why you see a lot of Latinos working in the food service industry, working construction, landscaping and the list goes on. Hard, manual labor is the norm for many Latinos living in America today and you rarely hear us complaining.

We’re just grateful to be living in America, the land of opportunity. We’re happy to be able to work hard and get paid, so that we can put food on the table for our families.

Working hard and raising a family is what it’s all about. That’s why we have tons of kids.

6) We don’t expect anyone to cater to us because of our skin-color

Latinos don’t expect anyone to cater to us, or treat us differently because of our skin-color because we don’t see ourselves as victims.

Sure, we may look different, but looking different can also be a positive thing, not a negative thing, right? Why does looking different have to be a disadvantage?

Why should we assume that people who look different will always be discriminated against?

If anything, my life proves that being different can give you an exotic appeal and actually be an advantage, especially in the dating world.

I’m sure you’ve never thought of that, though, because of the way the media and academia are constantly trying to drum into our heads that Latinos are deficient or less than white people somehow. It’s absurd and most Latinos resent and reject that idea.

7) We understand how so-called ‘racism’ is often used as a way to divide a nation and usher in communism

Many Latin American countries have succumbed to communism within the last hundred years. And the way it always happens is by dividing the nation into haves and have-nots, light-skinned and dark-skinned, rich and poor.

They use accusations of racism or other -isms as a tool to garner votes. That’s all it is. Do you really think our political leaders care about combating racism? Don’t be so naive.

The power elites use this type of sophisticated propaganda against a nation in order to divide and conquer. They have it down to a science. They attack and demonize their political opponents, censor them, prevent them from defending themselves, and then steal elections from them. Sound familiar?

Ask any Cuban, Nicaraguan, Venezuelan, or Argentinian how communism was foisted upon them, and they’ll tell you it all started with these nefarious tactics of division, accusations of racism, convincing half the country that they were victims of the other half in one way or another. It’s all a strategy purposely being used to subvert a nation.

This is Yuri Bezmenov, former Soviet journalist and KGB informant who defected to Canada, warning America about the “ticking time bomb” that is communist ideological subversion.

Racism against Latinos is not a thing

Latinos generally speaking don’t waste their time thinking about racism, or imagining that they’re victims of some social injustice.

Latinos are more interested in going out and bringing home the pernil, baby!

Just thought you might want to know why Latinos don’t really pay attention to so-called ‘racism.’ Now you know.

Your de-victimization counselor,

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