do probiotics make your balls bigger

Do Probiotics Make Your Balls Bigger? (My Experiences)

Do probiotics make your ball bigger? Studies have shown that they make mouse balls bigger, but could probiotics hold the key to making my balls or your balls bigger? Allow me to share my experiences.

Who doesn’t want bigger balls, right? Bigger balls give you bragging rights, connote a higher degree of masculinity, suggest higher testosterone levels, a real or perceived increase in sexual function and performance, potentially greater sex appeal etc.

The point I’m making is, given the option, what guy would say no to the opportunity to own bigger balls?

The infamous study

So, when I heard that a study done on aging lab mice using lactobacillus reuteri, a probiotic that aids in digestion and gut health, ended up increasing testicle size, it piqued my interest.

The study had two test groups. One with mice fed probiotic yogurt, l. reuteri and a matched diet and a control group that was not fed probiotic yogurt or l. reuteri.

The initial intentions of the study were to find out how to slow age-related testosterone decline in males and pin-point whether the decline was related to age, or some other factor, such as testicle lesions caused by pro-inflammatory cytokine interlueken-17A.

As it turned out, the study found that the lab mice fed probiotic yogurt and l.reuteri appeared younger than their matched, untreated siblings, with more “luxuriant hair” and less “diet-induced obesity,” and they noticed something else. The lab mice fed the probiotics had higher testosterone levels along with significantly larger testicles.

Do probiotics make your balls bigger? (my experiences)

I was always a big believer in probiotics even before I heard about this study. On a fairly regular basis, I would eat large amounts of plain fat-free Greek yogurt, slam down entire bottles of kefir in one sitting like they were protein shakes, and every now and then, treat myself to some probiotic-infused frozen yogurt from Red Mango.

I always derived good health benefits from taking probiotics. They kept my stomach flat and my mid-section tight because, quite frankly, they make me shit. I never had a problem with bloating, constipation or anything as long as I was taking my probiotics.

Maybe that’s why the first time I started adding in the l. reuteri, I didn’t notice much of a difference. I didn’t feel much different in terms of my gut health, or see an increase in ball size at all really.

But, the second time I took it, I noticed a huge difference. This was just recently, after I got a sinus infection and was forced to take a full course of antibiotics to get rid of it.

It was bizarre, bro. The lack of probiotic bacteria in my gut due to the antibiotics killing it off must have freakin’ shrunken my nut-sack because, I swear to you, they looked a lot smaller!

After I finished that God-forsaken course of antibiotics, properly pronounced ‘antee-bee-otics,’ I said, “let me make sure I get my gut flora back in swing and then see if my nuts look any different.”

So, I slammed two jugs of kefir a day for the next five days, supplemented with l.reuteri at least twice a day, and I even downed a dozen of those probiotic yogurts that come in those really small containers in the refrigerated aisle.

Don’t ask me why, but by the end of the week, the difference in the size of my nuts was like night and day. I kid you not. Somehow, the presence of that probiotic bacteria in my gut caused my balls to swell to their normal size again.

This experience taught me that when my body is deficient in probiotic bacteria, it could cause my nuts to be smaller than they would normally be under optimal conditions.

Now, as for the scientific reason behind this, my guess is that it could have something to do with the probiotic bacteria aiding gut health and improving digestion, so that the body doesn’t have to work as hard to digest food, freeing up resources to be able to do other beneficial things, like putting more focus on reproduction (producing testosterone and semen). That would be my guess.

Can probiotics make YOUR balls bigger? (contains Amazon affiliate links)

I can’t say with any authority whether taking probiotics and l.reuteri, specifically, would have the same effect on you as it did me, but why not give it a shot? This is the one I took.

If your gut health is already good and you’ve got plenty of probiotic bacteria in your system, then you may not experience an increase in the size of your balls.

But, then again, if your gut health is poor and you’re severely lacking in probiotic bacteria, taking l.reuteri supplements along with doing things like eating more oatmeal, bananas, and sourdough bread might actually replenish your gut flora and as a side-effect grow your balls bigger.

Do probiotics make your balls bigger for real? That’s up to you to find out.

Try it and then call in and leave a voicemail on my podcast line at 917-267-8590 and let me know what your experience is.

Your training partner,

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  1. Schlatt, Stefan. “Probiotic Microbes Sustain Youthful Serum Testosterone Levels and Testicular Size In Aging Mice.” National Library of Medicine. January 2nd, 2014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084877