
Fitness Influencer Greg Doucette Calls Out #TrudeauTyranny

Canadian fitness influencer Greg Doucette recently put out a video hilariously ripping on a real winner and likely Trudeau supporter who stole a Canadian flag away from a thirteen-year-old girl at the Freedom Convoy last week. In the video, Doucette called out #TrudeauTyranny and threw his support behind the #FreedomConvoy2022 winning massive respect from his 1.36 million subscriber audience.

As of this writing, the video has garnered almost 80,000 views, but has been ‘limited’ by YouTube, meaning demonetized and probably shadow-banned.

Coach Greg, as he’s affectionately known on YouTube, sarcastically commented, “Video is already ‘limited’ by YouTube. Why do you think this is?” possibly hinting at how YouTube routinely censors anything remotely controversial, or that goes against the mainstream narrative.

In the video, Doucette made many truthful statements most notably with regard to Justin Trudeau’s lack of action, the nature of the Freedom Convoy itself, and why he supports their right to protest. Here are his opening statements.

“Coach Greg, and perhaps you haven’t heard of the Freedom Convoy here in Canada in Ottawa, where a bunch of truckers got together, they’re protesting and doing peaceful, friendly protests, protesting what’s going on in the world, protesting having to get shots in order to be able to live your life normally, having to wear masks as children in schools and so on. You know, because, in other parts of the world, they have 70,000 people at the Super Bowl, no one is wearing a mask, people are just happy to attend. But, in Canada, oh my goodness, you’re a bad person if you don’t do this or do that. So, they’re doing peaceful protesting, you know, with flags, happiness and love, and along comes some guy, steals a flag from a thirteen-year-old girl, takes her flag and runs off. The father, he’s not too impressed, he chases after the guy, with everything caught on film. The guy’s being rude, drags their flag in the mud and snow and so on, being disrespectful. Oh, and isn’t karma a bitch. Breaks his ankle in the end, his own fault, his own doing, he gets arrested, we’re going to show the video, show everything that happened, show you we’re not making this shit up. it’s not a lie, it’s not scripted, It’s not some game. This happened in the real world. So, stayed tuned, watch the video, we’re going to comment.”

Greg Doucette

Later on in the video, Doucette exhorts viewers to learn more about what the Freedom Convoy is all about, directing them to their page, while at the same time knocking Justin Trudeau’s lack of response.

So, if you really want to know what’s going on, I suggest you go follow FreedomConvoy2022. They currently have 489 thousands followers posting daily content, showing you what’s going on in Ottawa, truckers, what’s going on, what are they asking for, and all about Justin Trudeau and what he isn’t doing. That’s right, not doing, he’s not like doing anything, what is he not doing. He’s not listening to them, he’s not talking to them, he’s just living his own life, happy life, Justin Trudeau. And so, I’m wishing the truckers convoy the best of luck, hoping they are well, doing okay, it’s freezing out there, they’re doing the best they can.”

Greg Doucette

The hashtag #TrudeauTyranny was trending on Twitter a few days ago, and frankly, the people of Canada and the world should continue to put the pressure on until Trudeau finally gives up and allows Canadians to simply life their lives like normal people, without having to submit to medical tyranny and forced vaccinations.

But, perhaps the most interesting part of this whole story is that Doucette got massive respect and kudos from his audience of over 1.3 million subscribers, which would suggest his commentary on this was very well-received. It was one positive comment after another. You might even say that his view on this matter is in all actuality the majority view. Here is just a small fraction of the many appreciative and encouraging comments that were made by Doucette’s audience.

Greg, we need more people like you covering this!”

User Alexander Steve

Wow, I’m amazed to see Greg so pro-convoy. Admittedly, as an Ottawa resident, some real dumb shit has been going on of late with the protester, but the media coverage has been incredibly slanted from day one, nice to see someone as influential as Greg give the other perspective.”

User Cole Nollavook

This is Greg’s most important video he has ever made. He made the choice to stand up on the right side of history and stick up for what’s right when it isn’t convenient to do so. If people don’t speak out against this, then serious tyranny is afoot.”

User Gravemind

Love you Greg it’s nice to hear someone spread truth for once you’ve motivated me and others for so long truly one of the greatest to ever inform and spread love.”

User Scott Dumont

Glad someone non-political with a big platform is covering this. Most people only see the news calling these guys racist or political channels covering it and they assume they’re biased. A fitness channel covering this is great, hopefully the Canadian Castro can’t snuff out the true story.”

User Chet Sweleardee

“To know who rules, look at who you can’t question.” Thanks Greg for using your platform to shine a light on this topics. Keep it up. Subscriber since 34K.”

User Tim Johansson

Thank you for addressing what’s going on in your country! I was just wondering last night why none of my favorite Canadian youtubers had mentioned it, and thought maybe the pressure is too heavy and they just are ignoring it. God bless yall and our world! It’s so crazy. I’m in south eastern part of the u.s. and we’ve lived life almost normal since summer 2020 it’s crazy to see how other parts of my country and other countries have had a vice grip on their lives for so long!”

User Mrs Julie

Came for the bodybuilding, stayed for the opinions. This video just boosted you in my opinion. Support from Texas.”

User VikingVet

I have always had huge respect for the ever yelling Coach Greg, but now my respect for him is even bigger than last time. Thanks for covering this!”

User Eryk Jakubowski

Such a disgrace and yet MSM doesn’t show any of these type of things. Trudeau’s reach covers the mainstream media in this country and he’s working on Social Media as well. As a proud Canadian, it’s appalling to see our freedom slowly erode.”

User Chris Shewchuk

That’s hilarious. Stay strong Canada. I support the peaceful protest of the convoy.”

User P0wer Grab

thank you, greg. we need as many people as possible calling this out.”

User Robert Kraychik

Thank you, Greg for talking truth, we need more of this!”

User William Whalen

Thanks for covering this Greg finally Canada is standing up for itself proud to be Canadian”

User Benjamin Velitchkov

Hey coach, you’ve stayed pretty A-political but thank you for mentioning this topic. You’re pretty unbiased and my respect for your is even stronger”

User Jackson Dunphey

I was already a fan, now I love you even more. Thanks for spreading the truth!”

User Michael Gray

YES!! Coach Greg we neet this!! Love seeing people actually stand up for what they know is right instead of following the crowd.”

User Landon Glick

Respect for Greg sky rocketed”

User Dustin Boniface

Man I respect greg so much more after this and I’m not even Canadian.”

User Kermit the frog Sings

I knew Greg was based! Thank you Greg! We prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery!”

User Harakiri

Much respect, Greg. Love the content, glad to know there’s sharp ppl out there”

User David Wallace

Ok, so honestly my first impression of coach Greg was that he was a loud mouth, roided up bodybuilder with a high pitched voice. But man did that impression get demolished fast. After watching more and more of your videos I realized you’re actually a really solid, honest and kind dude. And this vid just skyrocketed my respect for you even more! Keep up the honest lifestyle, Greg!”

User Landon Glick

Greg my respect for you went up x999″


Thanks Greg, we are Watchung this convoy being called racist, misogynist, etc. when I see videos from people of all races, gender etc. posting this great event!”

User Bob Boberson

I am so glad you posted about this Greg! Utmost respect for you for this!!”

User Vos Timor

Made me happy to hear you talk about this. Good for you for standing up for what’s right”

User Hipthrusts

I’ve watched your channel for a while now, and I know that it’s risky to even talk about stuff when the political climate is so hostile. I’m sure some people will be made at you, but I support you”

User KMP

I love you Greg. I stand with all of the Canadians demanding freedom!”

It seems like these sentiments must have been shared by the majority of Canadians including those in Parliament because, just today, Justin Trudeau revoked his use of the Emergencies Act, with some saying his hand was forced due to lack of support for his actions.

This move was surprising considering he’s been using Tiananmen Square-like thuggish tactics to try to stamp out this peaceful protest, trampling protesters underfoot, beating them, freezing their bank accounts, and even confiscating their pets for the past ten days.

Leaders from around the world, including those from the Iranian regime condemned Trudeau’s deplorable mistreatment of his own citizens.

Time will tell if Trudeau actually does the right thing on principle, or continue to be dragged into it. Unfortunately, his most recent oblivious comments don’t seem to suggest that he’s anywhere close to understanding how moronic his statements sound to the average citizen. An apology would have been much more appropriate.

And, now, starting today, The U.S. version of the #FreedomConvoy2022 just left California. Let’s hope and pray that their message of freedom from unconstitutional vaccine mandates won’t be obscured by FBI and CIA false flag infiltrators, like on January 6th.

Keep truckin’ freedom truckers!

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