do muscles help you get girls

Do Muscles Help You Get Girls? (More Plates, More Dates?)

do muscles help you get girls

Do muscles help you get girls? The short answer is, ‘no.’ They really don’t. Let’s shatter the illusion right here.

Let me set you straight. This is coming from a married, almost forty-year-old man, so you can trust what I’m saying is the truth.

Generally speaking, muscles don’t help you to attract girls unless you have certain other things going for you first: confidence, social skills, looks, and finances, in that order.

But, you’re asking the wrong question. The real question you should be asking is, ‘Will having big muscles help me to attract the type of girl I’m interested in?’

Big muscles will attract sexually dominant girls

I can already hear you saying, “Having big muscles can definitely help you to attract girls! Did you see that interview with Flex Lewis where the blonde reporter was biting her lip and practically drooling over Flex’s physique the whole time?”

“And what about that guy, Connor Murphy, who made a bunch of YouTube videos where he’d go up to girls with his shirt off and get all their numbers?”

Look, I’m not going to lie. Big muscles are an important secondary sex characteristic, just like having a deep voice, square jaw, thick eyebrows, wide shoulders, full beard etc. something that exhibits good health and high testosterone, as well as being what differentiates men from women, so of course it’s an attraction factor. However, big muscles are not nearly as important as having confidence and simply knowing how to talk to girls.

Girls, by and large, are different than guys in this respect. Most feminine, submissive girls have emotional needs that are greater than their physical needs. This means that if you know how to be at ease around them, make them laugh and make them feel heard, understood, valued etc. in a masculine way, not a pussy way, then you become “a catch.” No joke.

All this is obviously my opinion based on my own personal experiences, but muscles, by themselves, only make you “a catch” to sexually dominant girls whose physical needs are about equal to their emotional needs. The way you can tell the difference is if the girl is very forward with you, or aggressively compliments your appearance. Sexually dominant girls like to do the chasing, rather than be chased and are more visually turned on by what they see than submissive girls. If you’re the type of guy who likes that, then it could work great, but not so much if you’re a sexually dominant male (the dominant-submissive law of attraction trumps almost everything else).

At the very least, know what you’re getting into, but in my experience, sexually submissive females are not as initially attracted to guys who have big muscles.

But, what about the old adage, “more plates, more dates?”

To a degree, yes, women as a whole probably find men who lift heavy weights and have big muscles more attractive because it suggests you’re healthy and take care of yourself, so the old adage holds true for that reason, but it’s all relative to the individual girl.

Some girls think that guys who lift weights are too self-centered and all about their appearance. For this type of female, you having big muscles could be a negative thing.

It’s kind of like the question, ‘do girls like a guy with a large penis?’ Some girls do and some girls don’t because they might find it to be too big. Everything is relative to the individual girl.

Some girls have a thing about height and never date a guy less than six feet tall. If you happen to be shorter than six feet, you can forget about dating that particular girl and there’s nothing you can do about it. You just have to move on. It’s kind of like that.

There is one caveat to all this, though. Almost universally, women like guys with wider shoulders and a comparatively narrow waist, the classic v-taper body. The good news is, any guy, regardless of body type, can build this kind of physique by lifting weights. It’s not unattainable and you don’t need to pack on pounds and pounds of muscle in order to accentuate your v-taper. Even a heavy-set, or skinny guy can do this by building the appropriate amount of muscle.

Will having big muscles help you to “get laid” more?

First of all, guys who put all their focus and effort into trying to have as much casual sex as possible are destroying themselves. I used to be one of those guys. This post isn’t about “getting laid.”

Getting laid is actually super easy, muscles or no muscles. Just go where the whores hang out. Hang out there long enough and pretty soon, you’ll get laid. That’s why whores are considered, “easy.” If you want an STD, by all means, go ahead, but lots of meaningless sex with un-marriageable women isn’t going to make you happy in the long run.

If you think it is, you’re sadly mistaken. People who fixate on “getting laid” have actually chosen the dark path. Look what happened to Travis Alexander. He got murdered in cold blood by the whore he was banging. Do you want that to happen to you?

Trust me, you want to seek out a long-term relationship with a quality girl who has good morals and traditional values. Hard to find, but they’re out there (I married one).

Roosh Valizadeh, formerly known as RooshV, famous pick-up artist and author who used to travel the world to seduce countless numbers of women, even says he’s permanently damaged from the decades he wasted pursuing casual sex.

According to Roosh, “All those years I spent perfecting my ‘game’ could have been spent building my faith and becoming part of a parish where I could’ve found a wife and already had children.”

If you didn’t already know, Roosh has since converted to Christianity and now uses his blog to glorify God and reach the masses for Christ.

Famous basketball player, Wilt Chamberlain, who claims he had sex with 20,000 women in his lifetime, came to a similar conclusion. Chamberlain said in a 1999 interview before he died, “Having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, in my life. I’ve (also) found that having one woman a thousand different times is more satisfying.”

Derek, from More Plates More Dates, who partly built his following writing and talking about how to “get laid” has also left the pick-up artist lifestyle and now, “prefers to form healthy, long-term relationships.”

Stop worrying about trying to impress girls and learn to lift weights for you

Lifting weights and bodybuilding, when done correctly and without the use of PED’s (performance-enhancing drugs) is very healthy, will naturally optimize your hormone levels, and give you an air of confidence that you didn’t have before.

If anything, the newfound confidence you acquire is the thing that will attract female attention more than anything else.

So, stop worrying about trying to impress girls with your big muscles because that’s most likely not going to happen anyway. Most women aren’t built like that. You’re more likely to attract attention from gay men than you are girls you’re actually interested in dating.

Bodybuilding is a great lifestyle because it teaches you a lot of important lessons about hard-work, consistency and delayed gratification. These are all lessons that you can apply to other areas of your personal and professional life to help you to excel and have more success.

Your romantic life will also be improved, but only indirectly through the boost of confidence you get from having a great physique, along with optimized hormones, improved health and greater sense of wellbeing.

Do muscles help you go get girls? Not directly, although, you can say, in a roundabout way, they can. Hope that helps.

Your training partner,

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