how to stop snoring naturally

How To Stop Snoring Naturally!

Here’s how to stop snoring naturally. If you’re considering getting a CPAP machine, don’t. Read this first. You’ll be amazed when you discover the truth about snoring; this applies to both men and women.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. Consult your physician blah blah blah, but at the same time, what I’m about to recommend to you has a very low likelihood of actually hurting you, so use common sense here.

I used to snore so badly that my wife would routinely punch and kick me mid-sleep, she was so frustrated. As you can imagine, I wasn’t too thrilled to be woken up this way either.

She described my snoring as a ‘scream-snore’ that went up and down in octaves at random, so there was no possible way for her to tune it out.

But, what I learned recently totally changed my whole perspective on snoring and especially what causes it.

What causes snoring?

A lot of people think that snoring is caused by being overweight, or having a fat neck, but this is incorrect.

I used to think that when I was leaner, my snoring wasn’t as pronounced, but my wife assured me that I snored just as loudly when I weighed 210 as when I weighed 245.

While the guys who recommend tongue and neck exercises to help open up your breathing passage are not wrong because that definitely helps, they’re missing the key component of what actually causes snoring.

How to stop snoring naturally using this basic supplement

I saw this interview with Dr. Joel Gould on Mark Bell’s Power Project podcast that completely blew my mind (as a side note, if you’re looking for some other great bodybuilding podcasts, see my top 10).

I bet you didn’t know that snoring is actually caused by a nutritional deficiency, specifically a lack of Vitamin D along with a lack of Vitamin B complex.

I can attest to this because I’ve always taken plenty of Vitamin B complex in the form of nutritional yeast in the past, but I’ve never taken Vitamin D religiously until now.

As soon as I started taking 20,000 IU’s a day of Vitamin D daily, my snoring stopped cold!

And, not only did it stop, but I also noticed that I was sleeping much more soundly and even felt more rested when I woke up in the morning!

I didn’t even realize how poor of a quality sleep I was getting previously to supplementing with Vitamin D.

I would wake up feeling exhausted, with bags under my eyes, and wondering why I felt so tired after a full 8 hours of sleep.

Vitamin D has been groundbreaking for me. I want everyone to get the sleep I’ve been getting because it’s been life-changing. I highly recommend supplementing with Vitamin D.

I’ve found little difference between Vitamin D supplements in terms of brands that work. Most, if not all brands of Vitamin D should work fine, but if it were me buying it online, here’s what I would get, just based on the reviews alone.

The image below is an Amazon link to a very well-reviewed form of Vitamin D that you might want to check out.

Try it and let us know how it goes by leaving a voicemail at 917-267-8590!

God bless,

Read next: Why You “Don’t Feel Like Working Out”