Best Underwear For Bodybuilders

It should be clear to everyone that the best underwear for bodybuilders and really all men is not the type that squeezes your nutsack into a tight uni-ball for the majority of the day, or that heats up your boys to 100 degrees.

Yet, we’re supposed to believe that boxer briefs are the best, most stylish underwear, most “age appropriate,” “appealing to women” whatever that means, ignoring the fact that they do both of these things, in essence rendering them a horrible choice of underwear for men!

Why am I even writing about this?

Our men and young boys are becoming more pussified by the day and it’s incumbent upon me, you and whoever else to do whatever we can to try to reverse this trend that is insidiously sapping us of our man powers.

If you scoff at the idea of men having ‘man powers,’ you clearly don’t deserve to read the rest of this post and you should leave now.

Yes, man powers.

It was 1996. I remember the time well. I was having lunch in my high school cafeteria when an acquaintance, let’s call him ‘Steve,’ mentioned in passing that he recently switched over to wearing boxer briefs instead of boxers.

“Boxer briefs? What the hell are boxer briefs?” I exclaimed.

My friends and I looked on in befuddlement as Steve went on to explain the difference between boxer briefs and regular boxers.

“They’re like a combination between boxers and briefs,” he said.

And just like that, things began to change.

By the early 2000’s, I noticed more people ditching their boxers and instead buying these strange undergarments that looked so stupid and impractical to me at the time, but that slowly took over our underwear drawers nonetheless, including mine!

Boxer briefs marked a new era in underwear for men that got its start because of a damned Calvin Klein underwear ad with Mark Wahlberg that countless women were pining over at the time.

Women suddenly started demanding that their boyfriends, fathers, uncles, cousins etc. all wear these hot, skin-tight, heavy cotton underpants instead of our tried and true, easy, breezy boxers.

The fallout from this disastrous decision has caused untold harm to our men and boys for over two decades now!

Trying to please the women in our lives in this way has caused us to subconsciously go along to get along and give in more and more to the political correctness, the encroachment of women into traditionally male spaces, the gender confusion so prevalent today and the general descent into Godlessness and communism.

Yes, I really am blaming the lion’s share of our society’s ills on boxer briefs and overheated nuts and here’s why.

The sacred knowledge modern man has forgotten as a result of trying to placate misguided women

What makes a man? Don’t say, ‘penis’ because if that’s the case, we’d have a lot more masculine men walking around today.

All these gender-confused zombies talking about ‘non-binary’ and what not have penises, sure, but they’re severely lacking in one important substance and that is testosterone.

Testosterone is created in the testes, also known as, ‘the family jewels.’

But what happens when the testes get too hot, temperature-wise?

Well, the design of our balls is quite amazing. We have a cremaster muscle, which controls how low our balls hang, and it typically lowers our balls in response to heat, in order to maintain a certain temperature in our testes that is most conducive to testosterone and sperm production.

But what happens when our cremaster muscle activates to lower our balls and the effect of the temperature change is minimal to nonexistent due to a generally higher temperature inside of our underwear? What then?

Well, scientifically, that’s when we get lowered sperm production. And my common sense tells me that this would go hand-in-hand with lowered testosterone due to our testes working at a lower capacity overall.

This is exactly why doctors tell couples who are conceiving and specifically men who are having trouble impregnating their wives to wear boxers instead of briefs.

The truth is staring us in the face.

So, what is the best underwear for bodybuilders?

If we as bodybuilders and men want to maximize testosterone production so we can get yoked, build more muscle and as a side benefit have bigger cum shots and increased fertility, it stands to reason that there’s really only one optimal underwear for us that fits the bill.

Let’s take boxer briefs off the table because I think I’ve made my point about how they create a hellishly hot environment for a man’s testicles.

So, if the choices are boxers, briefs, or going commando, with no underwear at all, boxers wins no contest.

Briefs, which are as ugly as sin as it is, can overheat your balls just as badly as boxer briefs because they’re made to constrict the movement of your balls, so that’s out.

And going commando has its limitations because of your pants chafing on the head of your dick. While going commando does oddly make you feel more virile and gives you plenty of cool air for your balls, the chafing alone can make your penis less sensitive over time, which is definitely best to be avoided.

We need to take a page from the 90’s . . .

If you think about it, the 90’s were our most masculine decade. It was a fairy-tale time before 9-11 when people laughed at jokes that would today be considered ‘racist’ but were in all actuality just funny. We didn’t take ourselves so seriously back then and we were better off for it.

We used to wear loose-fitting clothing, boxers, wide-leg jeans, watch ‘The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air’ and listen to rap music sung by rappers that weren’t gay or who liked to wear women’s clothing. The music actually sounded tough because we were tough.

Being weak was looked down upon. People valued individual strength and achievement. It was a great time to be alive in America.

We were the land of the free because our balls were free and exposed to cool, life-giving air on a daily basis.

In order to make America free again, it has to start with freeing our balls, but it won’t be easy!

The conspiracy against boxers #boxerschallenge

I challenge you to head over to your local Marshall’s or T.J. Maxx right now with the intentions of buying boxers. I will wager that you can barely find any boxers on the shelf because they aren’t even being sold in stores anymore.

I was just at Marshall’s the other day. I was looking for some boxers and could only find ONE three-pack of the plaid kind that looks like a tablecloth in the midst of rows and rows of boxer briefs. I bought the absolute last pack and felt like I hit the lottery.

Where in the world are the world’s boxers? Have they been outlawed by the globalist elites in an attempt to reduce our fertility and thus depopulate the planet??

For the evil technocrats hell-bent on world domination, the one thing they’re afraid of most is a pair of functioning balls. Because then the real men and owners of those balls would start calling them out on their bullshit and that would ruin their plans.

If you’re still having trouble finding boxers in stores, check these out . . . yes, this is an Amazon link

The best underwear for bodybuilders are not posing trunks

The best underwear for bodybuilders are not posing trunks because posing trunks are only for shows, obviously. They allow the judges to see a competitor’s muscles, individual muscle separation, and butt striations. They aren’t for wearing around the house.

But, imagine if they were.

They are so small and tight that they would definitely inhibit testosterone and sperm production.

Only reason it doesn’t mater for bodybuilding competitors is because many of them are on exogenous testosterone supplementation a.k.a. steroids or gear so their balls aren’t producing testosterone naturally anyway.

That’s why their balls look shrunken and nonexistent when wearing posing trunks. Just an FYI.

Boxers are the clear choice of underwear for the discerning natural bodybuilder

I don’t know about you, but I will not take gear if it means it will shut down my natural testosterone production, shrink my balls, and make me infertile, even if it’s temporary.

I’m all about maximizing natural testosterone and sperm production. That’s why I choose to wear boxers and so should you. Pass it on.

Balls to the wall,

Read next: Best Sneakers For Bodybuilders