Why This Covid BS Is Happening, Vegan Mayor, What Free Speech Means

You may be wondering why all this covid bs is happening. Well, the answer is more simple than you think. I could make my answer to this unnecessary complicated, but, “follow the money,” as they say.

Big pharma influences our media coverage, influences our politicians and lawmakers and creates a narrative that this covid virus is a lot more deadly than it is. Then, they sell a vaccine that’s supposed to protect you from getting the virus (except, it doesn’t). They get governments around the world to buy these vaccines to “protect their citizens” and make gagillions of dollars in the process. See how that works? Not that far-fetched either, is it?

The amazing thing about it this whole situation we’re living through right now is that the same thing happened in 1976 during the swine flu pandemic, except it was only the U.S. that was effected. Pharmaceutical companies back then paid out 3.5 billion dollars in damages to people who got neurological disorders and other health complications as a result of the then swine flu vaccine.

The difference today is the pharmaceutical companies have lawyered up and are accepting zero liability in the event someone takes one of their vaccines and then goes on to suffer adverse side effects. This is supposed to inspire confidence?

In this podcast, I give an update on my workout program and how it’s working out, give into detail about why the covid thing is all bs and lies and talk about the new mayor of NYC, Eric Adams’ obsession with forcing his way of eating onto the rest of us. I also touch on what freedom of speech actually means and why it’s important.

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Your training partner,

Watch next: Help Me Sort Through All This Covid “Misinformation”

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