First Workout After Having Covid, Fat To Fit Journey

My first workout after having covid. Verdict? Meh, not too shabby. Flabby? Yes, but that’s because I fell off the workout wagon a while ago.

Having covid was bad, don’t get me wrong, but not nearly the death sentence the media talking heads wanted me to believe it would be. You can read about my covid experience here.

In this workout, I trained triceps, biceps, back, abs, and finished with a mild circuit. It was me getting my feet wet into working out again.

It’s kind of depressing seeing yourself on video looking like a fat slob when there were times, maybe 10 years ago when you were a personal trainer, when you used to look 1000% times better.

But, that doesn’t matter because having a reality check of what you actually look like is much more important than thinking you look good and looking like crap.

That’s why I’m a big proponent of using mirrors in my workouts and taking my shirt off, if possible, to really see what’s going on under the hood, so to speak. You can’t really do that at your big box gym without looking like a skeeze, so that’s why I like working out at home in my basement. It’s also cheaper.

My goal is to get back into ‘trainer shape’ using no PED’s or TRT or anything like that. Just training and good, wholesome food. That’s it. I don’t want to shrink my balls, or make myself infertile, even temporarily. No, thank you.

Plus, I have confidence in my balls that they will produce more than adequate amounts of testosterone to get back in shape.

I’m not going to be competing on stage, or trying to get my pro card, or anything like that. I just want to look and feel great!

Come hang out and get fit with me! Join me on my fat to fit journey!


Read next: The Best Lifting Straps Are Not Straps (No One Is Paying Me To Say This)

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